This time I am adventuring in my own back yard. Maybe Dorothy was right about that.
Becareful what you wish for....
. This whole adventure started with an email, although it may have started with a comment on my myspace. A fiend I met in cabo wrote to say that her friend Ray was coming to austin for the poetry slam and could he stay with me. Since in the 'who would you like to meet' section on my myspace I had put that I wanted to meet a mad poet, I could hardley refuse right? Kat by the way had never seen the mad poet comment so when I say be careful what you wish for, I am not kidding.
The Poetry Slam is a competition for both individual and team poetry performance. This is not yo mama's poetry. Let me just start by saying yes, I know I am the last person in Austin and probably elsewhere to hear about this stuff. No, I did not see def peotry jam or happen to be at egos on a Wednesday. Anyway, I basically shadowed Ray for the 3 days he was here for the finals. I learned a lot and had a good time doing it. Go to the Whats new page for the details.
Who the heck was in my house this time? Ray McNiece you can check out his site to see what all he does. - http://www.raymcniece.com/
I am also going to be sharing some photos from my nephew Kevin and shots of friends and stuff.
Where am I?
August 10 - Picked ray up at the airport went to the first day of showcases.Did not go anywhere just stayed home for a change
August 11 - Ray had a workshop he and his friend Danny were teaching, I hung out at the Hyatt drinking coffee and watching the river. Haiku competition, semi finals for teams, and individual finals
August 12 - Barton Springs, team finals, after slam prom
August 13 - drop Ray at the airport, all day nap. make David listen to my rant over dinner.
This is not my usual update. I have less to really say. I will be going to Memphis in October, I am going to another con./ charity event.
As always if you are on the page and really do not want to be or would like something added. send me an email and if I can do it without taking out the page (still learning HTML) I will do it. Oh and since now I have to update the who I would like to meet section on the myspace page, I am open to suggestions. I have met just about everything I want and am willing to see who ya'll think I should meet. So email me, or put it in the guest book if you want to share your suggestion with everyone.